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Friday, June 8, 2012

I really change?
Why i think back from 1 and from 2 life
I am so CRAZY
And happy at all

That time of me
Are so trust about friendship 
I really see friends so important 

I really feel that
After "somethings" 
I was change
I din believe friendship anymore

I don't think friendship will forever
I want change back that time so trust friendship of me

But now i think when i lose a friends
i feel nothings
and it is so normal

Really not like JENNY UON at all
Can i trust friends as my life so important?

Sometimes you guys really important to me
If i din find you guys
Find back me

Because i am scare you guys like forget me
I am such this kind of girl
And i hope i din hurt someone beside me

If i got hurt you guys
Please told me
I want to change it

I really miss CRAZY and everythings not scare de me
That maybe not real of me
But it feel so happy 

I can change back
I don't want be a EMO girl
And MOODY person


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