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Thursday, June 7, 2012

I love SINGLE life at all
I never in a relationship with someone 
It somethings wrong?
I don't think so

But why you will so surprise know that i never relationship?
It such so strange?
Or you really do not know me well

Maybe you think my vision is too high
But it really not true at all
Is i really know the relationship not longer 
So better don't accept any relationship

You do not know true love need to wait?
Or you are a casual person?
Sometimes i really regret to find you 
Treat you as a good friends

But why you always negative thinking
And you know i just a high school KIDS
But your talking ways like me same age as you

We cant be friend
It so hard to be friend
Not i hate you
Because you talking way are so SPECIAL

I cant adapt a special friend like you
If you change your mind 
We are friend

You treat me as a sister
I accept it
But i never think a brother is treat her sister like this

I hope i forget you 
And don't find me anymore 
If you still don't want to change your attitude 

Do not teach bad me
I am just a girl
A 16 years old GIRL


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